Pjohanna's Blog

More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.–Harvey Milk

Anita Bryant was on a crusade against gays. She started the whole “Gay Agenda”. Back in 1977 it was Proposition 6 which was a referendum that would have made it legal to fire schoolteachers for being homosexual and to fire anyone who supported them. The question was, how would they know who was “homosexual”?

I just watched Milk and I cried, I cried more out of anger then out of the tragedy of Harvey Milk being assassinated. I really feel like there has been no change. Throughout the movie I kept hearing the same things that I hear now. As a matter of fact, Rick Warren used one that was used then, “HOMOSEXUALITY IS EQUAL TO PEDOPHILES”. It really seems that in thirty-one years we haven’t made much progress, and the number one reason has to do with RELIGION. It was truly painful to see how much hatred and intolerance still exists in the name of God.

I understand the whole interpretation and the whole stance: IT’S IN THE BIBLE, but I can’t accept that reasoning to take away rights, RIGHTS that should be given to everyone of this country, to every U.S. Citizen.

The worst part: the whole crusade against “homosexuals” is in the name of God, yet LIES are used to scare the people. Again, who is the Father of Liars? John 8:44.

“Homosexual” beaten up by anti-gay-marriage activists, and I am sure you don’t hear the Christians talking about this incident, do you?

et cetera