Pjohanna's Blog

{January 12, 2009}   “Being Gay is a Gift from God”

“The most mean spirited e-mail were from Christians”. I have had that experience all my life. My sister said I am anti-religious because of that experience, which I disagree. Tell a Christian that, and they of course do not see it that way. So what do Christians have to say about this priest, pastor or bishop making this statement, let’s see:

brocoly10 (7 hours ago) -1 Reply
he still didnt say how it was a gift! homosexuality goes against everything the bible says. there is even a passage that says homosexuals will not go to heaven. the pastor is and idiot–youtube comment.

simone56 (1 day ago) 0 Reply
These men are ministers of SATAN! You will find this nowhere in scripture and these people are leading many souls to HELL!–youtube

29martian (3 days ago) -4 Reply
fardawg I definitely agree with you. It’s a gift, but from who? some gifts should be “returned to sender”.–youtube

8. Re: Being Gay Is A Gift From God????
Jan 7, 2009 4:46 PM | In response to: burrelda
May God forgive me but I must speak out here!!!! I about fell off my chair when this was said!!! I wanted to turn the channel but was HOPING OPRAH would have said SOMETHING! I went right to my bible because I know it is in there somewhere the only word that can to mind
ABOMINATION : Mark 13:14
PERVERSION : Romans 1:27
DETESTABLE: 1Kings 14:26
WICKED MEN: Judges 19:22
DO NOT: Leviticus 18:22
I will not judge but my LORD will !!–Oprah website

30. Re: Being Gay Is A Gift From God????
Jan 7, 2009 5:58 PM | In response to: lawalj
I was so sad when this man said that being gay is a gift from god i changed the channel. He not have read the bible, or maybe he’s talking about its a gift from Satan. The city of Sodom was destroyed because of the homosexuality by Jesus father,GOD.–Oprah website

and last but not least, the best one:

Unless this is addressed in some way by Oprah herself, I PROMISE that I will never again be watching the Oprah show, just like I will never again be reading Newsweek because of its article which tried to prove that God’s Word approves of homosexuality and that great men of the Bible like Paul and David were gay! Christians need to start standing up for the truth and the Word of God in this country or we won’t have a country that resembles anything that our forefathers (who were all devout Christians by the way) created

I never thought I would say this, but why don’t Christians just take the O’Reilly on this one?



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